December 2021 New release G-Shock | Some thoughts
カテゴリ:Howto & Style/Gshock動画
タグ・関連ワード:g shock japan 2021,g shock limited edition,gm-2100mg,moon gshock,golden g shock,gshocks,gbd-200rd-4jf,gba-900rd-4ajf,awg-m100svb,virtual blue g shock,ga-2100ht,hotei g shock
公開日:2021-12-08 01:59:01
低評価:2 ※記事更新時時点の情報
スタイリスト厳選コーデが毎月届く【SPU スタイルアップ便】
5 new G-Shock for December 2021. Simple but limited. Should’ve made this video a week ago, sorry for the delay.
Website link:
Wanna buy them straight from the source aka Casio Japan? Use this link:
Pro tip: Shop using 'BUYEE’ chrome browser extension instead to access sites like these:
– rakuten
– yodobashi
– big camera
– etc
Amazon purchase links will be added once these model were available on the market:
Thanks for the time!
Yes, much better lightning. I hope you and your family are doing Ok. Be safe.
3:05 not sure why you use that weird blend mode effect , but one love keep up the good work